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strong solution中文是什么意思

用"strong solution"造句"strong solution"怎么读"strong solution" in a sentence


  • 供制备各种制剂用的浓溶液
  • 强解


  • Asymptotic behaviors of global strong solution for class of nonlinear evolution equations
  • For areas that are dirty , use a stronger solution of bleach at the ratio of 1 : 49
    如地方有污秽物,稀释家用漂白水的浓度应为1 : 49 。
  • In this chapter , we will focus on establishing the existence and uniqueness of strong solutions
    ( 341的方法,我们把他的结果推广到。七2的情形
  • One is the existence of a kind of strong solution , and the other is the global existence and large time behavior of smooth solution
  • In this paper , we prove existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for stochastic differential equations by a transformation of killing their diffusion coefficients
  • Based on this fact we get the uniqueness of h1 weak solution by the principle that strong solution of degenerate equation is identical with its weak solution
    然后,利用所得的全局估计,以及banach - saks定理可以得到该类问题分别在每个区域上的h ‘弱解存在性
  • Usage : get 8g into the warm water , soak the foot in . the foot with strong bad smells can add more in , it will get better result with stronger solution
用"strong solution"造句  
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